Friday, October 14, 2011

The Bread of Life

Sorry for taking so long with this one. It happened a while back, but I really wanted to share it with everyone because it has touched my heart and grown me in my love for Jesus and my understanding of the Gospel. If you've seen a change in me lately, the reason is written below. Thank you, Jesus, for never letting me go...

Dan Clark is one of the members of the team we helped lead in August. He graciously recounted the story for all of us involved, and I added some parts to clarify what had been spoken in Spanish. Thanks, Dan!

On Saturday, August 6, 2011 everyone was given a choice to go to the Laguna, Zipline or participate in a ministry opportunity. Deann, Pam, Brett, Jacque and I chose to do ministry. After lunch we discussed the various groups of people to reach out to and different ideas on how to do that. Then we prayed for God to guide us to the right people and the right place. We also prayed for God to prepare the hearts of whomever with whom we were lead to share the truth.

We decided through God’s leading to go to the park and make balloon animals on the steps of the gazebo to provide opportunities to share Jesus with children in the area. We sat down and began to make the balloon animals. Kids quickly gathered and were really excited. A couple of the kids got a little demanding and had a hard time keeping their hands off the balloons and pumps. One of these kids was the one with whom I felt the need to share Jesus.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

365 Days...They only happen once a year.

Bible Study and Beyond by donstrakaSome of you may have seen Don's 365 Project pictures on Facebook or on his homepage. The Project consists of taking a picture each day, which we thought would be one of the most effective ways to keep you in touch with what's happening here.

This is his photo from June 22nd, just another 1 out of the 365 days of living God's adventure for our lives. Don shared a story on this picture's day that I thought was a great glimpse into what God is doing to raise us up and to walk us right into his heart.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

El Guayabo and Semana Santa

Friends and Family,

Well, the months of March and April have flown by, and I can’t believe we are looking at May just around the corner. I hope that all of you who are planning on graduating do well on your exams, and I know that you are all excited for summer.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

You Know You're on the Mission Field When...

I thought we should share a few of our day-to-day happenings, just in case some of you needed a nudge to head out into the field soon. I'm sure these should do the trick. I'm also assuming some of the others who have lived or visited outside the U.S. can relate, as well as those focusing on missions at home. Here we go...

You know you're on the mission field when...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Woops…..been a while, aye?

Wow, sorry we’ve checked out for the last month. At least you know that means we’re hard at work! I’ll try to update you on the first half of December in Nicaragua and then our amazing time in the States (shout out to you state-siders=).

The beginning of December wasn’t too eventful, although that may just be because it was over a month ago. We went on a missions trip in-country with the Vida Joven (Young Life) Chapter at El Puente. We were 2 of the 18 people who went on the trip to visit the small community of Chacalapa, about an hour and a half to the southwest of Granada.