Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Love. The Gospel at Work.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were yet sinners [stealing, drunk, seductive, angry, frustrated, short-tempered, inconsiderate, ill-mannered, annoyed, untrusting, vengeful, impatient, lustful, unforgiving], Christ died for us.  Romans 5:8

When do you love? How far will you go to love? How long will you love?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New House, New Home...New Everything

Three weeks down. We tend to think the work of God can be set aside for you to transition and get settled and learn a little of the language and culture, but our God is not a God of this world, and for that I am truly happy, whether uncomfortable at times or not.

Last we checked in, we shared how God was already answering our prayers for discipleship and protection and good health and for a strong ministry to join in serving Nicaragua. God, always faithful, continued on by capturing my heart in the most unlikely way: challenges. I have to be absolutely honest and say that the last 3 weeks have been hard.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Arriving and Settling in for the Ride

I am pleased to share that we have arrived. We are home. It's been such a blessing to be here for only 3 days but to feel at home, in the exact place God has planned for us. I feel so deeply loved by His provisions, His answers to many prayers, and for the adventure we are on. The concept of adventure entered our mutual vocabulary with our first trip to Granada last summer, and it has been on my mind ever since. I started praying then for my own ability to be bold and courageous because it was in Granada last year that I realized that my husband is very much so....and I am not.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Transitioning.....I love the peace.

Well, we are into the first leg of our move, staying in Texas and enjoying time with family before we head out on the second half and down into our home in Nicaragua. God has been blessing us with fun, relaxation, and renewal as He prepares our hearts for stepping into His Kingdom work.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Financial Support Praises!

We have amazing praises for raising support--God has provided the funds to reach our goal of $20,000!!! We found out that we will need a little more than we budgeted for rent, but we are not worried in the least as to it being provided. Thank you for your support and your prayers!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Human Trafficking and my next step!!

This is a blogpost from a friend we met in Nicaragua. Please pray for her as she begins working in missions and with people who hold a very special place in my heart. So few people know the impact of human trafficking in the world. Our God is BIGGER, though, and I trust in the work He's doing.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Share the experiences with us!

I created the following video for all of you who are interested in God's work in Nicaragua and to those who have been gracious to financially and prayerfully support us. Thank you so much for trusting God with your money and what He will be doing through us. I also hope that this video is an encouragement to all of you who are unable to go or who are not called at this time. I hope that you enjoy rejoicing in God's work with us, and that you feel very much a part of the work of His Kingdom in Nicaragua. Hope you enjoy!

Love, Jacque and Don and our amazing God Above All.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Getting off the Ground...

Hello All!

We are working diligently to get everything in order for going to Nicaragua. Yes, we are committing to 2 years in Granada, Nicaragua, with Charles and Sarah. Please keep in touch and let us know about the prayers and praises you are experiencing. Thank you for your support, your prayers and donations are amazing and have been such an encouragement as to how God works and provides. We'll try to keep you posted as He continues to work.

Love, Don and Jacque