Saturday, September 25, 2010

Transitioning.....I love the peace.

Well, we are into the first leg of our move, staying in Texas and enjoying time with family before we head out on the second half and down into our home in Nicaragua. God has been blessing us with fun, relaxation, and renewal as He prepares our hearts for stepping into His Kingdom work.
I am amazed at the heart He has been cultivating in me and at the joy that is stirring at the thought of pouring our hearts and our time into ministry, into loving people and spending time with them, growing with them. I can feel Him at work, and I am loving being a part of it. He's taught me so much in just the past couple weeks about justice and mercy, His timing, His work, and the humbling He's done in our hearts in order to take part in it all. I just wanted to get you all started on the adventure you're taking part in with us and ask that you be in prayer this week as we are in the final preparations for our full launch on Nicaragua. Look out, Nicaraguans! Here we come!
Love, Jacque

1 comment:

  1. I'm adding you to my prayer list. Somehow I hadn't heard about you going to Nicaragua. Argh!
    But I know God will bless you and I'll follow along. To God be the glory!

    Kathy Brasby
