Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Arriving and Settling in for the Ride

I am pleased to share that we have arrived. We are home. It's been such a blessing to be here for only 3 days but to feel at home, in the exact place God has planned for us. I feel so deeply loved by His provisions, His answers to many prayers, and for the adventure we are on. The concept of adventure entered our mutual vocabulary with our first trip to Granada last summer, and it has been on my mind ever since. I started praying then for my own ability to be bold and courageous because it was in Granada last year that I realized that my husband is very much so....and I am not.
But knowing our God and His heart for adventure and victory and hearts relying on Him for the next step, I knew I better get praying for my heart to change and start relying on Him for the ability to be adventurous. Basically, to get on the bus or miss my ride. Thus, here we are in Adventure #1-of-many, and I am so thankful God gave me a year of prayers to prepare for this! I am always amazed at how He knows me and how He works with my personality. He knows I take time and He's willing to provide it. Praise Him! =) 

We have spent the last couple days getting unpacked, familiarized, groceries bought, phones to communicate with, and staff/ministry introductions. I want to take a minute to praise God for Don, the Born Adventurer, who handled these last 3 days with ease. I am so thankful for God knowing me and giving me the kind of husband He knew I needed! I was lost, never having really moved anywhere, but Don just steadily plodded ahead and worked through the necessities, settling us into our home and into the ability to function effectively. Praise God for His blessings!

So far, we have been able to have two meetings with the staff, sharing our hearts and what we feel God has prepared for us and laid on our hearts and hearing what ministry is already happening that God has prepared us for but not yet laid on our hearts. We attended church on Sunday morning and were able to spend some time with Kari and Andrea who are two Str8way Ministries missionaries who are living in Diriamba, where we were last summer. We enjoyed catching up and getting filled in on happenings since last March when we saw them in Alamosa. Monday was our day to get introduced to life at El Puente, the ministry we are working with under the direction of Charles and Sarah Kaye. I spent time with Sarah working on the The Jicaro Project, which is a jewelry and handicrafts ministry developed to support Vida Joven (Young Life/youth group) and to provide work opportunities for single mothers and youth from Vida Joven. Monday evening was the women's Bible study, which filled my heart with joy and love as I sat around the table and shared life with these women whose lives are so different yet similar to mine and yours. Both of these programs may be an area for ministry to come, but we are sticking close to our plan to watch, pray, and wait for God's plans to be revealed. There's so much to be done, and only part of it planned for us. We are content to wait and see what adventures are to come.  

Don is currently spending time with one of the main leaders of El Puente, getting tile in Leon for El Puente and building what we hope will be a strong and fruitful relationship. We both have found great encouragement and hope for our prayers of discipleship and being raised up in this community of God's grace at work and under the direction of Charles and Sarah. More to come—looking forward to sharing it with you!


  1. You two are such amazing warriors for the King. Keep blazin' the trail. Love you both.

  2. Sharon & Don OestmanOctober 14, 2010 at 8:18 PM

    Glad to hear you made it safe. Hope you have a great time while you are there. You will learn to be amazed at nothing in how God works and I am sure you will both grow and your lives be changed forever for God's glory.

    add us to your update list Don & Sharon Oestman
