his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul,
'therefore I will hope in him.'"
So pleased to share an update from Granada, Nicaragua. I hope you are abundantly blessed and encouraged in your own adventures! Enjoy=)
Pantanal Ministry
So, you're getting
a Pantanal update from me (Jacque) this time because Don has been
diligently working endlessly with the teams that are here this
summer. I will try to do my best to capture all that God is doing out
in the Pantanal community where our church is doing ministry and
planning to build a school. We have had several community projects of
cleaning up trash on the property where the school will be built.
Short-term teams have jumped in on the projects and helped clean up
the area that has been used as a mini dump for countless years. The
job is getting done! Please pray for solid community involvement as
this was a project that they, too, mentioned as something for the
community to work on together. Please also pray for Jesse and his
family as he moves out there for a short time on his own to begin his
job of watching and caring for the property and in being closer to
the Pantanal community. Please pray for his family for this time
while he is away. He has a wife and two daughters who will be living
in a different area. Please pray for a strong community around them
and for safety for each member of the family. Please pray for
protection of their new marriage in the transition time.
Please pray, as
the Scriptures lay out below, for the transformation of individuals
as Don, Jesse, Darrell, and Linda share the Word and disciple
Believers in the area. There is also a partner children's ministry
they are hoping to get going, so please pray for direction and human
resources. A steady, faithful group continues to come to Bible study
and church, and I believe they are really feeling a part of the El
Puente Church community as they have settled in and have become much
more respectful. Thank you, Lord!
Prayer Requests:
James 1:2-5- That the leaders may
have strength through the times when the ministry is difficult
John 1:1-18- Those who live in the
community would really come to know God in the fullness of his Glory
John 3:3-15- That the youth would
come into a true life-changing relationship with Jesus.
Ephesians 4:21-24
Short-Term Teams and Interns
Don is busy! His
phone rings non-stop for one more detail to coordinate. Between him,
Charles and Mario, a smashing job has been done to transition teams
and take care of their needs and make sure the dorms are ready and
there's a bus at the airport and there are plenty of translators. Not
to mention trips to the hospital with sick team members, and
rearranged locations for other teams that needed moved to a different
ministry location. All has gone well, and the entire summer has
actually gone quite well so far. For all the busy-ness and chaos
they're feeling, the rest of us are in peace and diligently working
in our respective ministries, which I attribute to their diligence
and God's mighty grace. Teams have come through and led Bible studies
and ministered to grieving community members and helped clean trash
and helped an alcoholic enroll in rehab and planned effective
Vacation Bible Schools that tie into our Children's Church curriculum
for the month. I'm grateful for what God is showing us through their
labors, and especially thankful that He is so gracious to work all
things together for the good of those who love him. (Romans 8:28)
Prayer Requests:
Colossians 1:9-14- That the teams
would be soaking themselves in the Word as they prepare to come down
here and work for the Lord. The only way they are going to know they
are working in a manner worth of the Lord is if they are filled with
the knowledge of God's will. Pray that the Scriptures would open up
to them and they would have a clear understanding of what God wants
from them.
Ephesians- 6:10-19 Pray for the
Spiritual protection of the teams as they prepare in advance for the
work they are going to do here. Pray that they would seek God and not
be distracted by the schemes of the devil.
Romans 12:1-2 That the teams would
have a clear mind as they pray, prepare, and come.
Romans 11:33-36 That they would see
God's glory in this whole process!
1 Peter 4:11 That the teams would do
everything to glorify God through Christ Jesus.
Children's Church
doing it! He's really doing it!! I had another meeting where 2 people
showed up and only 1 was really all there, but God blessed the
obedience of showing up and He is SO FAITHFUL to “instruct us and
teach us in the way we should go, counseling us with His eye upon us.
(Prayer request from last time: Proverbs 32:8!) Praise the Lord for
he is GOOD! His love endures forever. I am absolutely enthralled by
Him and His ways. So, onto what happened=). I showed up to the
meeting and had to inform one of the teachers that her partner in
class was no longer going to commit the same time, so she once again
was on her own. Poor girl. I'm so proud of her, though. She didn't
show any signs of letting up, and I appreciate that from her
abundantly. The great part is that I sat down with her and started
asking her questions about what she thought of Children's Church and
how I was running it so far and how it compared to another leadership
group she's a part of, and she gave some great feedback, especially
culturally, and I think we may have a new solution to our current
“death by meeting” approach. God has been faithful to build up
the program and the teachers, so we are going to change our meeting
format to 1 time per month for 2 hours with a short meeting mid-month
to make sure we're prepared for the 2nd
service of the month. This format also allows a lot more room for the
teachers to discuss their lessons together, which I am praying will
increase their ability to discuss the actual Scripture and be better
prepared to teacher. I am praying that we will become more founded in
the Word so that we may be able to build up the children in the
church with a proper view and understanding of God in all His
Sovereignty, Grace, and Love.
I have also begun
devoting two Wednesdays a month (right before Sunday's service) to
praying and fasting for the program, the children, and their
teachers. I have seen such great fruit from resting in, seeking, and
asking of God. He's so faithful!!
Prayer Requests:
1 Peter 5:6-7 – to humble
ourselves beneath the hand of a mighty God so that at the proper time
he may exalt us, casting ALL our anxieties upon him, because he cares
for us. And to KNOW that he cares for us.
Deuteronomy 7:9 – to KNOW
Joshua 1:6-9 - to be strong and
courageous in what God has commanded us to do, to meditate on His
Word day and night in order to have sound teaching and deep
Ephesians 4:11-16 - to be taught
sound doctrine and disciple the children as God has charged teachers
and shepherds to do, to mature them so as to not be tossed by the
winds of doctrine but as to the measure of the stature of the
fullness of Christ.
Psalms 32:8 & Proverbs 22:6 –
for God to instruct us and teach us in the way we should go and
counsel us with His eye upon us, and that we would then train up the
children in the way they should go, so that they would not turn from
it and would lead their country into Godliness.
Character Development
Our first months
of Faithfulness were quite a smash, but the program seemed to wane
slightly through Kindness, not having as much of a presence. However,
as we enter the team season, and as we are all very aware of our
need, Patience has begun June with QUITE the impact. We are learning
to patiently wait for God as we endure hardship so that when we do
his will, we may receive what is promised. (Hebrews 10:36). We
discussed Patience at the first Sunday service this month, and
learned it through the Children's church leaders showing up late, and
Ingrid and Fernanda disobeying, and Pantanal kids getting mad about
being asked not to come for one Bible Study because they were
throwing rocks at their teachers. And of course through living and
working with human beings. Even if they are your spouse. We are
working out our salvation with much fear and trembling, and it's
actually pretty great!=)
Prayer Requests:
Deuteronomy 7:9 – to KNOW
Philippians 2:2 – that we would be
like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose,
Philippians 2:5, 12-13 – that we
as a body would learn to take on the attitude of Christ as we work
out our salvation with fear and trembling, knowing that it is GOD who
works in us to will and to act according to his good purpose.
Psalm 37:7 – that we would learn
to be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him, not fretting
ourselves over the one who propers in his way, over the man who
carries out evil devices.
Hebrews 6:12 – that we may not be
sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience
inherit the promises.
theJicaro Project
I have to say that
the verses below are the exact same prayer requests. They are being
answered and still need to be answered all at once. I am recognizing
the need for endurance so that when I do the will of God I may
receive what is promised. (Hebrews 10:36). We are so thankfully
producing large amounts of quality work, and the most exciting thing
happened at the end of April. Two of our boys moved up from being
general employees to being managers!! They are now alternating in the
position of exchanging sandpaper and checking the other boys' work.
They have been such a blessing, and we see the other boys responding
with similar aspirations. Thank you, LORD, for this great reward of
faithfulness! We are definitely appreciating His blessing and
enjoying the growing process for the boys, seeing the opportunity to
further them even more in job preparedness and responsibility. We
also had our second job-preparedness presentation at the beginning of
June. Eric and Jessica, who are members of the church came and shared
about their testimonies of alcohol and drug addiction restoration,
about their shoe business, and about what having your own business
requires. We were so pleased with their talk, so thankful for the
testimony God has supplied to share with our Jicaro boys and women in
order to draw them more deeply into the Truth of His Word.
Prayer Requests:
Philippians 2:1-11 – that I would
have the attitude of Christ, that we managers would be like-minded,
that we would have the same love, that we would be humble in our
obedience, that I would trust God to accomplish his will – HIS
PERFECT WILL – so that I will be obedient as Christ was obedient.
Hebrews 11:8 – that I would be
faithful like Abraham, to obey God even when I don't know where I'm
James 1:19 – that I would be quick
to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry – throughout
ANYTHING that happens, to have patience to endure and lead with
Philippians 4:6-7 – that I would
not be anxious but would present my requests, my prayers and
petitions with thanksgiving, to God so that the peace of God will
guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 2:14-17 – to know God's
Word well in order to be thoroughly equipped for every good work
Every Day Life.....
We had a
MAGNIFICENT trip to the States in May. May blessings be poured out on
all those who blessed us abundantly with places to stay and food to
eat and even gas to drive all over God's beautiful creation. We were
SO BLESSED by the fellowship that we enjoyed with family and friends
and all of the church families who shared in our praises to God for
all that He is doing here. Thank you, ALL! We just loved it. If it
weren't for the joy of serving God here as He's called us to in this
season, I don't know if I would have been able to leave. Good thing
God made round-trip tickets=) Once we returned, God, as usual
continued to bless us with the abundance of His Word, and has been
guiding us through this busy season of short-term teams and community
living and personal growth. We are enjoying the challenges of
building a strong marriage through conversations and experiences
ranging anywhere from budgeting to sanctification to laughing over
the tiniest things. God is gracious and is abundantly Awesome. We
love Him.
We as a staff
would appreciate your prayers as we are all busy with personal
projects and short-term teams, and as we have not had the same time
devoted to just hanging out and fellowshipping. Please pray for us in
that, knowing, as Paul exhorted, that we need to be given over to
brotherly love and hospitality and patience and respect and love for
one another. We love our team and refuse to let the enemy try to
break it up. Thanks for fighting with us!
We have been enjoying all of the interns that God sent us this summer. What fun times we have had! Thank you for your prayers! As much as it is difficult to stay close during busy seasons, God definitely sent us a lively bunch to keep spirits up. We have so enjoyed the interns at El Puente, as well as those who have passed through our home. We hope they come back!!
As I
shared with many of you while we were in the States, we have been
spending a lot of time with our neighbor Ingrid, and now a lot more
time with her little sister Anahi as she has been much more
interested in going to church for the Children's program. Ingrid is
still learning through rebellion and giving in her flesh, but God has
been teaching me abundantly how to approach her with love and grace,
and that has been incredible. He blessed me with the book Shepherding
a Child's Heart
by Tedd Tripp, and it has brought the Word very much to light in
teaching me about my own heart's well-spring, and how to correct and
direct it and Ingrid's as well. It is incredible to see what happens
when we approach others in the same way God approaches us as
children. Praise Him for his higher ways!
Prayer Requests:
Philippians 2:1-4 – that we, our
roommates, and staff would be like-minded, that in humility we would
consider others better than ourselves and that we would look not to
our own interests but to the interests of others.
Colossians 1:10-12 – Please pray
without ceasing that God would fill us with the knowledge of His
will...that we may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him
in every way, bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the
knowledge of God....that we might have great endurance and patience,
with great thanksgiving.
Romans 12:9-12 – Let our love be
sincere, that we would be devoted to one another in brotherly love,
honoring one another above ourselves, not lacking in Spiritual
fervor, serving the Lord together, joyful in hope, patient in
affliction, faithful in prayer.
Psalm 103 – for Ingrid, for God to
completely transform and heal her, for us to deal with her out of
love and to train her up in the way she should go, that her soul
would cry “Bless the LORD.”
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 – our wedding
verses—that we would be a cord of three strands, lifting one
another up in prayer as we slip and fall, so that we may have a good
return for our work
Ephesians 5:22-33 – That Don would
be raised up in the Word as the Head of our household and that I
would be quick to respond with respect and joyful submission to him
as I submit to God. Please pray for us especially as we continue to
learn what it means for Don to be the leader of our family through
all the aspects of growing up and stewarding all that God calls us
Ecclesiastes 9:9 – that Don would
always Enjoy Life with His Wife=)
Thank you for a magnificent update! God is good and he's at work in amazing ways.
ReplyDeleteloved this update and the specific ways I can be praying. I miss y'all and El Puente and Nica soooo much...I hope I'll be back sooner rather than later :)